Clean Water System
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The purpose of the Clean Water System is to produce drinkable water for:
- Seven Feathers Hotel & Casino Resort.
- Seven Feathers Truck and Travel center.
- Seven Feathers RV Resort.
- Other Tribal holdings.
- City of Canyonville (in emergencies).
Drinkable Water Subsystem
- Goal: Produce over 500,000 gallons of drinkable water per day.
- Source: Wells on reservation lands.
Extraction by pumping from wells rather than directly from the South Umpqua River has two distinct advantages:
- Better quality of the source water.
- Environmental benefits to the river itself.
The Drinkable Water Flowchart depicts the main components in the Drinkable Water Subsystem.
As shown in the Flowchart above, the Drinkable Water Subsystem has the following components:
- The pumps near the casino on reservation lands can fill the Drinkable Water Reservoir in 88 days.
- Underground Water Lines. One mile of below ground water lines from the well pumps to the Drinkable Water Reservoir.
- Drinkable Water Reservoir:
- 1,000 foot long dam, Creekside Reservoir.
- 360 acre feet.
- 85 feet deep.
- 80 mil liner with subliner.
- Fenced to exclude wildlife.
- Sediment Basin:
- The purpose of the sediment basin is to clarify the drinking water by removing the turbidity.
- Input pumped from Reservoir.
- Output gravity fed into Treatment Facility.
- Treatment Facility:
- The purpose of the Treatment Facility is to kill bacteria by treating the water with ultra-violet light.
- Input gravity fed from Sediment Basin.
- Output after slight chlorination pumped into Storage Tank.
- Clean Water Storage Tank:
- Input pumped from Treatment Facility.
- Over 1,000,000 gallon capacity.
- Glass lined steel.
- Output is gravity fed to Users.
- Users:
- Seven Feathers Hotel & Casino Resort.
- Seven Feathers Truck & Travel Center.
- Seven Feathers RV Resort.
- Other Tribal holdings.
- In emergencies, the City of Canyonville.